Piano Moving

$3,995.00 $400.00

The GP-150 Young Chang Baby Grand Piano is the Ideal size for Homes and Studios, Own a Famous, Authentic Name Brand Piano for an ...

$24,995.00 $15,995.00

This Polished Black Schimmel Model 206 built for Schafer & Sons has the Sonority and Depth of Sound of the finest European Built Grand Pianos. ...

$14,995.00 $7,995.00

Own one of the worlds best built grand pianos the Baldwin Model L is revered by concert pianists the world over for conveying the ...

$48,995.00 $29,995.00

Own a World Renowned Mason & Hamlin BB 7' Grand Piano, Acclaimed by Artist for its Robust Sound.

$11,995.00 $6,995.00

Own one of the worlds best built grand pianos the Baldwin Model L is revered by concert pianists the world over for conveying the ...

$2,995.00 $300.00

Traditional Style Acoustic Baby Grand Piano, Made in USA, Black Ebony Finish, Piano Bench with Music Storage Included.

$9,995.00 $5,995.00

Compliment your Home or Studio with a superb quality, American made Baldwin M Baby Grand. Outstanding Tonal Qualities, Ebony Black case in excellent Condition.

$14,995.00 $8,995.00

Beautifully Restored Baldwin L from the Golden Age of American Piano Building. Massive, Sonorous Sound. Classic Ebony Black Finish.